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Leadership opportunities – help AAUW Thrive!

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Do you –

  • Have time to help advance equity for women and girls outside of the time you’re giving to your branch?
  • Want to leverage your skills and interest to help advance our mission outside of your community?
  • Want to connect with leaders outside your community for the benefits that networking brings to you personally and to your branch?

Even if that doesn’t apply to you (and I know few of us who think they have spare time !), consider others you know as you read more. We know women political candidates volunteer less frequently than men — they need to be recruited. Your friends and colleagues may not see themselves as state or national leaders — do give them a “push”. I think all of those who have stepped up to these challenges — even if they don’t know where the time will come from — think the effort is well worth it!

Three separate recruiting campaigns are underway:

AAUW North Carolina
is seeking candidates for president-elect, treasurer, and program vice president. You’ll find lots of information in the next issue of the  Tar Heel News which will be hitting your mailboxes in a couple of weeks. It is posted at Contact for more information.
NC Women United
is filling vacancies in the positions of Treasurer and for Director for Policy. See for more about that organization, and please contact me or Mary Peterson or if you’d like to discuss these opportunities to serve the coalition that is so important to the women of North Carolina. Positions are open until filled, which we expect will be by mid October.
is seeking candidates for the national board of directors term that will start on July 1, 2009. The new board will have both elected and appointed positions, may include some people from outside the organization, and will be the team that leads the organization into implementation of the new, merged, AAUW. Those who attend the convention in St. Louis will participate in the election. If you know someone who is ready for the challenge of leading AAUW in these changing times, please let them know, or pass their contact information to Beth Norris of Raleigh who is a member of the Association nominating committee (see state contacts). For more information, see The deadline for applications is October 1.

Please do give this some thought — good volunteers are key to our success!

2 thoughts on “Leadership opportunities – help AAUW Thrive!”

  1. Pingback: Mailing to the branch presidents - Fall 2008 « AAUW Tar Heel Branch

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