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Older Documents

The documents on this page are no longer in active use, but may be of interest to current members.

AAUW NC 100 Club Forms
Note: use the PDF to print; the Word to edit on line Form to enclose with a check: PDF | Word

Join with a contribution of time: PDF | Word

Branch summary form: PDF | Word

Simplest way to join: Buy a 100 Club item at

Volunteer Forms
The nominating committee is in charge of recruiting a slate to stand for election at the spring convention. Feel free to contact them informally at, 866/525-2155 to discuss options. Once you’ve decided to stand for election, please complete and return theNomination Form: DOC (to fill in and e-mail); PDF (to print, fill in and FAX).
Strategic Plan
AAUW NC History
As part of its 75th Anniversary celebration in 2002, AAUW NC, under the direction of Clara Allen of Chapel Hill produced North Carolina AAUW: History 1947-2001. Copies have been donated to libraries across the state. A few copies may still be available. Contact for details.
Convention Guidelines