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Equal Pay Day is coming: April 24

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From the AAUW Theme Team list:

You can find the Pay Equity Resource Tool Kit on the pay equity action page on AAUW’s website at:

The toolkit is a great resource for Equal Pay Day (April 24) as well as for pay equity programming ideas all year ’round. The pay equity action page also has great statistical information, access to AAUW reports on the topic, suggestions on how to start a WAGE club, and other useful resources. You can also get some great ideas at: > issue_advocacy and its Pay Equity Resources.


2018-09-02: The original links on this page and in the comments are no longer valid, but you may well find similar resources at via search.

2 thoughts on “Equal Pay Day is coming: April 24”

  1. Dear State Theme Teams:
    WAGE Clubs are a grassroots effort designed to help close the wage gap and get women treated and paid fairly at work. AAUW has joined forces with The WAGE Project and other coalition partners to promote the clubs as a year-round activity that raises awareness about pay equity issues.

    What is a WAGE Club?
    WAGE Clubs are groups of 5-10 women who come together in a safe place where they can obtain support from other women as they share personal stories about sex discrimination at work, gather information, build allies, then go to the top to create change in their workplaces and communities.

    AAUW branches are encouraged to join this effort by committing to launch a WAGE club in their communities and/or their workplaces.

    How do I Start a WAGE Club?
    Starting a WAGE Club is easy. Simply set a date, invite women, and your WAGE Club is born.
    Using an easy-to-follow group discussion guide (PDF), WAGE Club members gather regularly to participate in a series of discussions and strategy sessions to help each other take action to help close the wage gap in their workplaces.

      • Identify five to ten other women to participate.
      • Set up a mutually convenient time and place.
      • Provide copies of the AAUW Pay Equity Resource Kit and the WAGE Club discussion guide to people before the meeting.
      • AAUW Educational Foundations research also provides excellent discussion materials for WAGE Clubs.

      What does WAGE stand for?
      WAGE Clubs were developed by The WAGE Project, an organization established for one purpose: to end discrimination against women in the American workplace in the near future. The nickname, WAGE, reminds us of the goal we pursue: Women Are Getting Even. WAGE is led by Evelyn F. Murphy, author of Getting Even: Why Women Don’t Get Paid Like Men and What To Do About It.

      Starting a WAGE Club? Let us know.
      Plan to launch a WAGE club for Equal Pay Day this year (April 24, 2007) and be part of a nationwide media strategy designed to raise awareness about the wage gap. Please let us know if you intend to start a club so we can announce our progress at a press conference on Equal Pay Day this year

    • You will hear and learn more about the Equal Pay Tool Kit at convention. Its use is not limited to April 24, 2007. Branches will be asked to share how they are using the kit.

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