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Opportunities to help AAUW NC

Looking for a New Year’s Resolution? How about resolving to do just one thing to help AAUW NC.

Whether you’re a branch officer or not, whether you’ve been involved in state leadership or not, there are opportunities to share your skills and develop new ones, opportunities to make a significant impact on how AAUW NC advances equity for women and girls across the state.

If you’ve seen the Tar Heel News, you know we’re recruiting for someone (or two or three) to take responsibility for the state newsletter. Marty Folsom has been doing a fabulous, professional job on this for the last ten years. If you know someone who’d be up to the challenge of replacing Marty, please have them contact me (919-773-1340, On the other hand, it may be more realistic to look at producing the newsletter with at least two people:

  • an editor – responsible for the general outline of each issue, recruiting authors/photographers where needed
  • a production person – responsible for generating the newsletter from the content provided by the editor

The first person would need to have a good understanding of AAUW NC – what’s important to publish when and what would the members want to see in the newsletter. The second would need to have the technical skills to use a page layout program to generate the version to send to the printer.

What the Tar Heel News will look like a year from now will depend on who is recruited for those positions. So if you care about the newsletter and its power to document how we’re advancing equity, please do help us find the right volunteers for those key roles.

If the newsletter’s not the spot where you see yourself contributing, please do review the list of opportunities in other areas of AAUW NC. Our new structure allows for short-term or narrowly defined contributions. Find one that fits your interests and time constraints, or encourage a friend to step up to state leadership.

AAUW NC is a key link between the Association and the branches, offering opportunities to share information and ideas, supporting projects like the Youth Advocacy Toolkit, getting our name out at the NC Conference for Women, and channeling information from the Association to all the members. Consider getting involved in some aspect to strengthen AAUW NC and extend its power to support the branches in their efforts to advance equity!

Just one thing! What’ll it be?