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Feedback request: the AAUW NC Newsletter

The following survey will be printed in the next issue of the Tar Heel News.


  1. Do you read the Tar Heel News printed version?a. Never
    b. Sometimes
    c. Often
    d. Always
  2. Do you read the Tar Heel News online version?a. Never
    b. Sometimes
    c. Often
    d. Always
  3. Which articles are you most likely to read? Circle all that apply.a. Reported events
    b. Opinion pieces
    c. Meeting announcements
    d. General interest
  4. Which articles are you most likely to read? Circle all that apply.a. National
    b. State
    c. Local
    d. Only AAUW
    e. Some non-AAUW
  5. Do you feel the Tar Heels News is published often enough to keep you informed of important upcoming events?a. Yes
    b. No
    c. Don’t know

Please e-mail your answers (Ex: 1-b, 2-c, etc.) to Connie Gamble-Ochse, AAUW NC Communications Chair. [Find Connie’s contact information at] Thank you for helping us plan a new phase in the publishing of the Tar Heel News. Your answers are very important to us.