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e-newsletter #10 – CONVENTION INFO, Feb. 16, 2008

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Jan. 25 – Feb. 16, 2008

Please scan this list of “headlines” and if there’s something of interest, do read the full story.


  • Spring (Convention) issue of the Tar Heel News (02/12/08) – The spring issue has been posted. You should receive a paper copy by early March. Please do review the information about the Convention in Greensboro. Hotel registration deadline is March 18.
  • Details on Convention (02/16/08) – Packet of information sent to the branch presidents and other board members. This version may be easier to print copies for your next branch meeting or to include in your newsletter.
  • You’ll also find key links for the convention, including a link to an online registration form, at the top right of all the pages. If you register online, you can print your confirmation and send a check, or you can pay with a credit card (through PayPal).

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If you’d like to add your branch news to this system, see this article. See also the branch websites (some with headlines) at If there are updates to the branch website addresses, please send them to me.