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Winter 2008 Tar Heel News

The winter issue of the Tar Heel News is on its way to the printer. AAUW NC members will be receiving a copy in the mail by early January. At-large members of AAUW (those who pay dues directly to AAUW instead of to a branch) who want to get all four issues of the Tar Heel News each year are encouraged to join AAUW NC. The easiest way to do that is to join the new Tar Heel Branch — see for details.

Winter 2008 Tar Heel News (PDF)

The front page

New content for the print edition

  • President’s message (p. 2)
  • Get out the vote projects in Brevard (p. 3)
  • Efforts to prevent school violence continue (p. 2)

News from AAUW

AAUW NC news

Spring copy deadline: Jan. 9
Target mail date: Feb. 6
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