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January President’s eNewsletter

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Here is the one-page information that AAUW NC President Mary Peterson would like all branches to review:

This month’s highlights:

  • AAUW NC is supporting projects of the Greensboro and Winston-Salem branches.
  • February 24: Women’s Advocacy Day in Raleigh (contact NC Women United for more information)
  • More details on the 2015 AAUW NC annual meeting, Friday and Saturday, March 20-21.  (Bookmark the meeting page to get additional info as it is posted.)

The information is available for all who want to stay “in the loop” about what’s happening with AAUW NC.

Current branch presidents are subscribed to the e-mail list where this is first distributed. Others interested in the AAUW NC/branch communications may also subscribe: please write to be added.