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2012 organizational roles

Elected Officers

Under the agreement to suspend the bylaws that was approved at the 2011 AAUW NC annual meeting, the organization has been working with four elected positions. More than one person may fill each role. Collectively, these officers form the state Executive Committee.


  • Represent AAUW NC and serve as spokesperson on issues and projects that promote AAUW’s mission
  • Work with other organizations and promote collaborative efforts to advance AAUW’s mission
  • Arrange conference calls and/or meetings; lead and set the agenda for such
  • Oversee and facilitate the review of existing programs, including:
    • public policy program and priorities (PPPP)
    • mini grant program
    • AAUW NC web site
    • Juvenile Literature Award
  • Lead and set the agenda for all Executive Committee business and oversee all other Executive Committee members in their EC duties.
  • Initiate an annual review and, if appropriate, revision of all AAUW NC Bylaws and Policies”
  • Facilitate the development and review of the annual budget, in cooperation with the AAUW NC Treasurer
  • Facilitate the planning of the annual meeting, in cooperation with the AAUW NC Branch Advocate
  • Submit a President’s Message for each issue of the Tar Heel News
  • Perform all duties required of members of the Executive Committee and the Board

Treasurer/Finance Officer

  • Lead the process to develop a budget that supports the programs and activities of AAUW NC
  • Open and maintain bank accounts and establish authorized check signers
  • Prepare regular state financial reports analyzing actual performance against budget
  • Oversee membership renewals and remit dues and fees, using the necessary forms, with the national office
  • Process and submit AAUW contributions in compliance with proper financial accounting procedures and Internal Revenue Service regulations
  • Review and maintain copies of branch dues and fees, membership reports and contributions reports
  • Retain in good order all financial statements, IRS forms and other supporting
    documents (i.e. disbursements, receipts, contracts, licenses, and permits)
  • Provide support and technical assistance to branch finance officers as needed.
  • Perform all duties required of members of the Executive Committee and the Board

Branch Advocate Vice President

  • Develop the concept of the Presidents Council, including its purpose and role in the new AAUW state structure
  • Act as the AAUW NC Executive Committee liaison to the Presidents Council
  • Initiate a system of ongoing communication with branch presidents
  • Identify any significant issues brought forth from the Presidents Council; make recommendations to the EC to address these issues
  • Receive and act on requests for contact information from branch presidents
  • Provide access to resources from state and national sources, including membership recruitment/retention, fund raising, mini grants, program development, data bases, websites, etc.
  • Perform all duties required of members of the Executive Committee and the Board

Second Vice President

  • Choose at least one of the state programmatic portfolios and perform all the duties related to that area.
  • Perform all duties required of members of the Executive Committee and the Board
  • Note: Karla Atkinson has agreed to assume this role for 2012-2013 with the Communications Portfolio

Collective Responsibilities of Executive Committee and the Board

Duties of all Board Members
The board includes the Executive Committee members and any additional officers that they may appoint to lead specific portfolios.

  • Be personally responsible for the overall health of the organization
  • Assist in planning the Annual Meeting
  • Prepare copy for the Tar Heel News and the web site at the Request of the Communications Officer
  • Review and approve the budget and recommend mid-year modifications as necessary
  • Recruit other members to assist with responsibilities of their office or portfolio
  • Report to the executive committee on work on behalf of AAUW NC

Duties of all Executive Committee Members
The Executive Committee is composed of the elected officers. These responsibilities are in addition to those of a board member and those of an elected officer and (optionally) a portfolio.

  • Review mini-grant applications
  • Evaluate ongoing AAUW NC programs such as Public Policy Pilot Program, new “state structure and mini grant policies
  • Assist in the review of all AAUW NC Bylaws and Policies
  • Prepare copy for the Tar Heel News at the Request of the Communications Officer
  • Review and approve the budget and recommend mid-year modifications as necessary
  • Report to the executive committee on these above responsibilities


Another feature of the pilot structure instituted in 2011, is that the work of the state will be organized into a series of portfolios. If members step forward to lead these efforts, those members may be appointed to the AAUW NC board to serve in those roles, or they may serve as leaders but decline to be board members. (See general board member responsibilities.)

IMPORTANT: While AAUW of North Carolina would better serve its members if all of these portfolios had separate champions, we understand that we may need to leave some of these positions vacant.

State Meetings*

  • Plan the state annual meeting (in the spring) and other meetings as required
  • Handle logistics for the meeting including venue selection and coordination, registration, etc.
  • Ensure that the program for the event is prepared and publicized.


Note: While all of the offices and portfolios may be filled by more than one person, the need for specific skills (newsletter layout, web site design/development) is particularly acute in the Communications portfolio. No one person is expected to do all of these tasks — members or contractors with technical expertise are available to help.

  • Work with the EC and branch presidents to prepare copy for the Tar Heel News*, the e-newsletter, and the website
  • Identify and work with technical resource people to
    • Produce three editions of the Tar Heel News*
    • Maintain the AAUW NC website
    • Maintain the AAUW NC social media accounts — e.g. twitter and Facebook
    • Maintain the AAUW NC e-newsletter
    • Maintain the AAUW NC email lists*
      • Ones that support the Public Policy project
      • One that supports communication to and among the branch presidents and other state leaders
      • One that supports communication to the executive committee and other officers
  • Work with the Branch Advocate VP and assist the branches by identifying resources to consult with them on newsletter production, web site development, and media relations.

Public Policy

  • Coordinate the communications to the branches on North Carolina legislative issues
  • Work with the Executive Committee in the development of the Public Policy Pilot Project*
  • Stay informed about the AAUW national advocacy programs and initiatives and share that information as appropriate
  • Work with the Branch Advocate VP and assist the branches by identifying resources to consult with them on improving their advocacy efforts.

Leadership Development

  • Work with the Branch Advocate VP and assist the branches by providing training for branch officers
  • Develop a plan for officer succession for AAUW of North Carolina
  • Help all officers recruit co-chairs and/or individuals willing to assist on particular aspects of a portfolio
  • Work with the Nominating Committee (5 people elected at the annual meeting) to identify AAUW NC leaders for the next year*

College/University Relations

  • Work with the representatives of the AAUW college/university partner institutions in the state to develop more collaborative opportunities with AAUW NC and the branches
  • Work with the Branch Advocate VP to assist the branches in connecting with local campuses and recruiting new college/university partner members for AAUW

*These responsibilities will be assigned to one or more members of the Executive Committee if there is no one else identified to take them on.

Other Notes

AAUW (national) Bylaws specify that minutes of meetings shall be taken by someone other than the president and the treasurer. This will be done, but we expect to rotate the responsibility for those minutes and there will not be anyone designated as the organization’s “secretary”.

Historically, the membership and fundraising roles had been important at the state level. Those do not appear as such in the structure described above.

The current AAUW NC bylaws (suspended by vote at the AAUW NC 2011 meeting) call for a board consisting of

  • Elected officers: president, treasurer, secretary, membership vp, program vp. These people are the state Executive Committee.
  • The chair of the nominating committee. [Five members of the committee elected by the membership. The chair is appointed by the president with approval of the executive committee.]
  • The immediate past president (for one year after the term as president)
  • Appointed officers: parliamentarian and chairs of standing and ad hoc committees. (The specific committees would be determined by the executive committee. See section VIII of the Policy Document for its view of the different portfolios/leadership teams.)
  • The presidents of the branches in the state.