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This page is a collection of tips to help you get the most out of the AAUW and AAUW NC web sites.

Login required

Some of the content on both the state and national sites is protected by a “login” process that “hides” the content from nonmembers or those who aren’t authorized to see the information. Unfortunately, these are completely separate web sites, each with at least two levels of permissions, so you will need to remember a few different access codes.

  1. You need your Member Id to get to the member center, the premium content on the national web site. Your member id is on the mailing label for Outlook and you can also find it with this memberid lookup. If that still doesn’t work, your branch treasurer, president or membership vp may be able to find it for you, or check with
  2. You need a separate password to access the “Member Services Database” on the national web site where you can update your record, make a secure online contribution, view/print your branch roster, and more. To use that system you must first register. See this information from the 2007 convention for more on the MSD, and note that the system does have an extensive online users’ guide.
  3. To get to AAUW NC member-only content (primarily the directory of branch/state officers), use the User Name and Password that you can get from your branch president or another tech-savvy member. All AAUW NC members share the same information for that.
  4. State officers and others with information to share on this website can “Join the Discussion” (see the lower right) by registering and logging in. You’ll have an individual password to post content to the system.

Password Reminder CardHere is a wallet card that has spaces for all four pieces of information. We suggest that you print the PDF version of the card, cut out the card, fill in the key information, and then keep it where it will be handy as you use the computer for AAUW work.

File not found

The national web site,, is updated regularly. As a consequence, some old pages on the state site point to pages whose addresses may have changed on the national site. Please try the search function to find the page if you think it is still online, or check with to report the problem.

If you find a correction to a broken link in this site, please either write to or, if you have an account on this system, login and post a comment that gives the correction.

Thanks for your patience.

Reaching a real person

The Contacts section of this web site has links to information on reaching current branch, state and national contacts.