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Information for the High Point Meeting

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The AAUW NC Fall meeting will be this weekend in High Point.
Friday afternoon and evening will be informal sessions in Room #224 of the Radisson.
Saturday’s meetings will be at the Emerywood Baptist Church.

Information for NC NOW

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AAUW has an ad in the program for the annual meeting of the North Carolina National Organization for Women. Here are the links mentioned in that ad, along with some additional resources.

Budget for 2008 Convention

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The Greensboro branch local arrangements committee in consultation with the AAUW NC executive committee, has developed a budget for the 2008 convention.

It will be presented for approval (and amendment, if necessary) at the board meeting on Saturday morning, October 20.

Board members are asked toRead More »Budget for 2008 Convention


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This irregularly published list of headlines from is meant as a reminder of all that the national level of the organization is doing. See the list on the right of this web site for the current headlines.

Some links may require login to the AAUW Member Center — use your member id for that.

Read More »AAUW News