Tar Heel Branch newsletter
Here is the latest newsletter for the Tar Heel Branch. More branch updates: tarheel.aauwnc.org.
Here is the latest newsletter for the Tar Heel Branch. More branch updates: tarheel.aauwnc.org.
On May 19, Annie Houle from the WAGE Project trained seven North Carolina women to be $tart $mart trainers/facilitators.
Hotel and registration information for the July 17-18 AAUW NC summer meeting.
PRESIDENTS’ MESSAGE: Greetings, members! We had a very productive April meeting at Connie’s home. Thanks again, Connie, for your hospitality. Our May Meeting will be… Read More »JACKSONVILLE REGIONAL BRANCH MAY-JUNE-JULY 2009 NEWSLETTER
Thanks to Greensboro mayor and AAUW member Yvonne Johnson for proclaiming Tuesday, April 28, 2009 as Equal Pay Day in Greensboro! Here is a copy… Read More »Greensboro Equal Pay Day Proclamation
The third issue of the AAUW Tar Heel Branch newsletter –Equal Pay Day notes, suggestions for Mother’s Day gifts, and more …
Equity is still an issue. Watch this 2 minute video for an overview.
>The Chapel Hill branch sponsored a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) program, called SPARC, in the fall of 2008. This is a report on that project.
AAUW has named Sue Metz of Greensboro as the new liaison for North Carolina for the National Girls Collaborative Project.
Here is the April, 2009 issue of the
AAUW Winston-Salem newsletter