AAUW NC 9/30/07 treasurer’s report
Here is the treasurer’s report as of 9/30/07: Treasurer’s ReportRead More »AAUW NC 9/30/07 treasurer’s report
Here is the treasurer’s report as of 9/30/07: Treasurer’s ReportRead More »AAUW NC 9/30/07 treasurer’s report
These minutes from the summer Board meeting in Gastonia have been approved by the reading committee. They are subject to approval of the Board at the next Board meeting in High Point in October. Karla Atkinson, Secretary
The Fall edition of the AAUW NC newsletter, the Tar Heel News, has been posted. Highlights include
A Women’s History Quiz (with answers)
Information on the Young Advocates Toolkit project
A directory of state and branch leaders (available to members)
Information on the Fall meeting in High Point, October 19-20