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To the national organization

AAUW at the national level has a long history of using financial contributions to benefit education and equity.

  • In 1920 Marie Curie, a future Nobel Prize-winning scientist, received $156,413 from members toward the purchase of one gram of radium.
  • By 1958, the Fellowships and Grants program had grown so that a new corporation, the AAUW Educational Foundation was established to administer the endowments and ensure their growth.
  • In the 1980’s, the Legal Advocacy Fund was established to combat sex discrimination in higher education.
  • In the 1990’s, the Foundation initiated the Eleanor Roosevelt Fund to support its groundbreaking series of research reports.
  • More recently, AAUW has established the Leadership and Training Institute to fund the National Conference of College Women Student Leaders and other programs to economic self-sufficiency, leadership development, and career advancement.
  • Today, AAUW encourages unrestricted gifts to provide maximum flexibility for its efforts to advance equity for women and girls. GIVE TODAY.

In North Carolina, members have completed several Educational Foundation endowments to honor members or specific anniversaries. Read about them and the scholars and activists they supported in our annual posts about the fellows.

Contributions to AAUW are deductible on your federal income tax.


To AAUW North Carolina

AAUW NC is a 501(c)4 nonprofit, so contributions are not tax deductible. However, if you want to support our work advancing equity for women and girls, we would be grateful for your support.