See http://www.aauw.org/rss/ for information on how to get this information as soon as its posted. Its also reposted on the AAUW NC NEWS page at www.aauwnc.org/news/.
Scholarship deadline for NCCWSL 2008 is April 18
Want to attend the 2008 National Conference for College Women Student Leaders, but you can’t afford to go? A limited number of scholarships to cover conference fees are available. Register today and be sure to fill out all additional fields for “Scholarship” when completing the payment section. Notifications about scholarships will be made by May 8, 2008.
Early-bird deadline for NCCWSL 2008 is April 18
Register for the 2008 National Conference for College Women Student Leaders by April 18 to receive early-bird rates. Don’t miss out on exciting keynote speakers, inspiring Women of Distinction Award recipients, workshops, preconference activities, and opportunities to network.
New directions for AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund
LAF has recently undergone both staff and programmatic transitions. Download and read the April 2008 issue of LAF Express for news and information about LAF’s latest activities, deadlines and programming resources.
Read the Early April EdEqChange Briefing (April 9, 2008)
Issue #15 of the memo to AAUW member leaders announces the launch of “I Am the Face of Pay Equity” campaign in preparation for Equal Pay day on April 22. Don’t miss the April 18th early-bird deadline for registration for the 2008 National Conference for College Women Student Leaders.
I Am the Face of Pay Equity
That is the simple message AAUW will be sharing with policy makers and the public all this month, as we approach Equal Pay Day on Tuesday, April 22. Plan ahead for Equal Pay Day! Request “I am the face of pay equity” signs and stickers available for use at AAUW events or download graphics from the AAUW website.
New public service ads from AAUW
AAUW is pleased to provide new public service print ad material derived from the inspirational, promotional video that has come to be popularly known as the “AAUW Mission Video.” Use the ads to seek donated ad space in local and community newspapers, and other publications.
Read the Late-March EdEqChange Briefing (March 26, 2008)
Issue #14 of the memo to AAUW member leaders announces the 2009 convention date and location, release of the revised Woman-to-Woman manual, and the deadline for NCCWSL 2008 program proposals.
Revised Guide to Mobilize Women Voters Released
AAUW has released a second edition of Woman-to-Woman Voter Turnout: A Manual for Community-Based Campaigns to Mobilize Women to Vote. Thanks to critical donor support, this new tool is now available free online to both AAUW members and coalition partners who are making plans to activate women voters across the country this fall.
AAUW in the news 
- Fraud Alleged in Ballot Petitions
- Feminist Point of View
- Women Focus on Supporting Young Leaders
- Knowing She’s Powerful, Her Gifts Get Girls to Go
- Local Branch of AAUW Celebrates 60 Years
- Sexual Assault Awareness Month
- Pay Equity Requires Negotiation? Part 2
- Pay Equity Requires Negotiation? Part 1
- Equity in the News 4-8-08
- Girls Dont Want to Be Leaders