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Chipley Tips – July

As part of the 2016-2017 AAUW NC effort to complete the American Fellowship Endowment honoring Ann Chipley, we’ll be posting reminders to the branches on how they can help the members reach that goal.

This tip concentrates on the use of NAMED GIFTS, an AAUW tradition to honor members or others in the community who are deserving of special recognition.

The branch may get a certificate for each $500 they or their members contribute in total to AAUW. The certificate can then be awarded to the honoree with the thanks of the branch. The branch is free to set its own policies for nominating and choosing the recipients of the award.

If you are donating branch money from your fundraiser or encouraging your members to contribute to support the named gift amount, please do consider designating your gift to the  Ann Chipley Endowment #3051. It may make all the difference as we complete the endowment. You may also use the Contribution Report Form to make AAUW national aware of your honoree — be sure to fill that form out correctly.

New this year, AAUW NC will be collecting the names of the honorees and posting them with the annual report of fundraising. Please be sure to fill out this form and let us know who is deserving of the thanks of your branch and AAUW NC.