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Late Summer Tar Heel News

The Late Summer 2013 issue of the Tar Heel News — covering public policy projects, the fall regional meetings, reports from the national convention, and more.

AAUW members #standwithNCwomen

Coalition Update: NC Women Matter Conference

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On July 20, 2013 women from across the state came together to react to the 2013 session of the General Assembly and make plans for the future. We all left understanding that the problems are so large, and the resources few — but if we bring to bear the power of the coalition, we can move forward together.

2012 Fundraising Results

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Summary of the contributions AAUW NC members made to AAUW (501c3) and the AAUW Action Fund (501c4) during 2012.

Opening banquet at AAUW 2013 Convention

AAUW rocks New Orleans

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AAUW NC members have arrived in New Orleans for the 2013 national convention. Watch this space — or the links in the message — for reports from the convention!

News from the 2013 annual meeting

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The upcoming Tar Heel News will have more information on the April annual meeting of AAUW NC, but here are some of the documents from that meeting.