Statesville & RIF: 30 years and counting!
The AAUW Statesville branch and Reading is Fundamental have partnered for more than 30 years to get books into the homes of children who might not have them otherwise.
The AAUW Statesville branch and Reading is Fundamental have partnered for more than 30 years to get books into the homes of children who might not have them otherwise.
Congratulations and welcome to the 2013-2014 AAUW fellows who are studying in North Carolina.
Resources and notes from the AAUW NC meetings, fall 2013.
President Mary Peterson has released a draft agenda for the three regional meetings.
The Late Summer 2013 issue of the Tar Heel News — covering public policy projects, the fall regional meetings, reports from the national convention, and more.
Thanks to Susanne Rolland and her team from AAUW Brevard for this summary of 2013 legislation related to education: Quality Public Education: Endangered in North Carolina?.
On July 20, 2013 women from across the state came together to react to the 2013 session of the General Assembly and make plans for the future. We all left understanding that the problems are so large, and the resources few — but if we bring to bear the power of the coalition, we can move forward together.
AAUW NC President Mary Peterson delivered a petition with more than 500 names asking the Governor to veto any additional restrictions on abortion.