AAUW Jacksonville Regional Branch April 2009 Newsletter
Information on the current events of the Jacksonville Regional branch.
Information on the current events of the Jacksonville Regional branch.
Recent AAUW NC news
Time to write/call your legislators about the Healthy Youth Act, H88.
On Friday, April 3, contacts from campuses across the state gathered at the UNC Chapel Hill Friday Center to hear about options for connecting AAUW to their campuses.
A presentation giving an overview of the AAUW fellowships and grants.
AAUW members Elaine Ostrowski, Sue Mengert, Mary Fran Schickedantz and Sandra Abromitis in front of the NC Legislative Building on April 1.
The AAUW Tar Heel branch has posted some pictures from convention on their web site.
They also had a handout about why members of other branches might want to join the Tar Heel Branch.
Here is the year to date financial report and the proposed budget for 2009-2010 for consideration at Saturday’s board meeting: YTD FY09 financials; FY10 proposed… Read More »Current financial report, FY10 proposed budget
Recent AAUW NC news