Packet about the Convention
Here are links to PDF versions of the information about the convention that was sent to the branch presidents earlier in the month.
Here are links to PDF versions of the information about the convention that was sent to the branch presidents earlier in the month.
News from the branch that serves the entire state.
Plan on bringing a carload of your branch members to Raleigh to join women from across the state to advocate for women’s issues with our state legislators. The event is sponsored by NC Women United. More information will be posted soon.
Information on the activities of the Jacksonville Regional Branch.
Recent AAUW NC news
The spring edition of the AAUW NC newsletter has been posted. AAUW NC members should receive a printed copy in the next two weeks.
Register now for the AAUW NC 2009 convention at the Blockade Runner in Wrightsville Beach:
“Riding the WAVE to Financial Independence†is the topic of the Friday morning workshop at the AAUW NC convention.