News and notes from the Jacksonville Regional branch.
News and notes from the Jacksonville Regional branch.
Notes about a branch project and their unique visibility opportunity.
This issue contains details about the April 18-19 convention in Greensboro, important information on the AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund, and more. Read the full issue online. You may also register for convention online.
The American Association of University Women has released its Congressional Voting Record for the 110th Congress, First Session, which provides AAUW members and the public with critical information about how their members of Congress voted on equity issues affecting women and girls in 2007.
The weekly update on federal public policy issues. Check it out at www.aauw.org. [The full text is available only to members. Join Now!]
Check out AAUW DIALog, a blog produced by AAUW staff members and (perhaps) volunteers.
Minigrants, call for new organizations to host collaboratives, assessment strategies, webinars, and more.
Here are highlights of the current weekly Washington Update.
Join other fans of Don’t Think of an Elephant, at the Hilton Raleigh Durham Airport on Saturday evening, March 1.
The Wilmington Branch will focus on the future of National Public Radio at its February branch meeting. John Milligan, Executive Director of WHQR, the local NPR affiliate, will be our featured speaker.