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Kristen Galles to speak at NCCU, Jan. 22

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The Women’s Law Caucus of NC Central University and AAUW North Carolina will host a January 22, 2008 talk by Kristen Galles, a DC attorney with national expertise in Title IX, who serves on the AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund Attorney Advisory Committee.

Once more with feeling – RSS

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One more link to good information on RSS – Really Simple Syndication. Watch for this abbreviation on sites that you visit.

Toolkit Collection

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A link to resource kits that can be downloaded and which will provide important programming ideas.

2007 Advocacy Accomplishments

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Thank you for playing an integral role in AAUW’s success in moving the mission forward this year. Your advocacy and that of tens of thousands of others in our nationwide network of e-activists has helped AAUW make an impact on public policy issues throughout 2007. The growing power and reach of Action Network can claim some impressive achievements. Just consider that over the past year, together, we have:
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