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Budget for 2008 Convention

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The Greensboro branch local arrangements committee in consultation with the AAUW NC executive committee, has developed a budget for the 2008 convention.

It will be presented for approval (and amendment, if necessary) at the board meeting on Saturday morning, October 20.

Board members are asked toRead More »Budget for 2008 Convention


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This irregularly published list of headlines from is meant as a reminder of all that the national level of the organization is doing. See the list on the right of this web site for the current headlines.

Some links may require login to the AAUW Member Center — use your member id for that.

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PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: Heather is responding to member requests by scheduling our October speaker, Sheri Slater with Onslow Senior Services. Sheri will fill us in on programs in place to help care for elderly relatives. A number of us in our branch are currently handling this responsibility and could use all the help that is offered. We look forward to Sheri’s remarks.
The New River Officer’s Spouse Club Open House went well last month. Evelyn and I spoke to many interested/interesting women. We also placed an ad in the Club membership directory to keep AAUW in front of the members the entire year. We hope they will join us for some of our events.
Connie and Evelyn


Workshop for Young Women in High School and College

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NC State Women’s Center, Saint Augustine’s College, and Shaw University are sponsoring this area’s first Running & Winning workshop on Saturday, November 3, 2007, at Peace College in Raleigh. This interactive workshop is designed to give young women in high school and college the opportunity to explore public service as a career. During the session, participants will meet with local women office holders and explore their own leadership abilities.

A Tribute to Florence Soltys

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Florence Soltys, known in North Carolina and across the nation as a leading expert and fearless advocate for people as they aged, died Thursday, Sept. 27, of a heart attack. She was admired for her work on issues related to the goals of AAUW of North Carolina.

News from AAUW

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This irregularly published list of headlines from is meant as a reminder of all that the national level of the organization is doing. See the list on the right of this web site for the current headlines.

Read More »News from AAUW