Quick updates for Phoenix
The 2007 Convention is six months away, but details are starting to emerge. In particular, apply now for a spot in the “Taste of Success” program that highlights branch and state projects.
The 2007 Convention is six months away, but details are starting to emerge. In particular, apply now for a spot in the “Taste of Success” program that highlights branch and state projects.
We’ve started some investigation of characteristics/prices of sound systems so that we can evaluate whether AAUW NC should purchase such a system to have it available at all of our state meetings. Our convention has been held at full-service hotels that provide audio equipment, but for our other meetings we sometimes do without. At the fall meeting, we experimented with “simultaneous captioning” of some of the major talks, and we’ll continue with that. On the other hand, making sure that the oral remarks are as clear as possible is another of our goals. Such a system may also allow us to do better at presenting multi-media information like the 2005 video on women’s economic security.Read More »Should AAUW NC purchase a sound system?
The winter edition of the Tar Heel News has been posted to the web site.
From: AAUW Public Policy & Government Relations Dept.
Information on NC NOW’s annual pro-choice signature ad and the new blog from the NC Justice Center.
Here are the 9/30/06 fundraising totals by branch for EF, LAF, LTI and the Association. In addition the EF totals are broken down by designation.… Read More »Fundraising news and notes – how is your branch doing?
From: AAUW Public Policy & Government Relations Dept.
Date: Friday, Dec. 1, 2006
Links to two articles. The first highlights one program in Mecklenburg County that is combatting short-term school suspensions, while offering readers strategies to prevent misbehavior in class. The second discusses how one community in North Carolina is offering tutoring and remediation programs that help at-risk students stay on track