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You can host an Agenda Assembly!

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For the last twenty years, Women’s Agenda Assemblies have been hosted by small groups around the state in the fall of even numbered years. In 2012 in particular this is a good project for branches to undertake. If there’s not one already underway in your county, learn more about how AAUW NC can help you start one.

NC Women Matter Coalition is Underway

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Watch for more information about how branches and members can participate in the state-wide coalition working to get out the women’s vote in 2012 and increase the power of women who represent 54% of the registered voters in North Carolina.

Where will you be on April 28?

There’s going to be a rally in Raleigh at 1:00 on April 28 as part of the national “March Against the War on Women” effort. AAUW is encouraging members to participate in this effort. If you want to learn more, please contact

Check out this flyer about the event — with links for additional information.

AAUW NC Opposes Amendment One

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AAUW NC has voted to urge members to vote against the constitutional amendment that will appear on the May 8 NC primary ballot. Branches are also encouraged to work in other ways to defeat the amendment.

March 27 at the NC Museum of History, Council for Women Event

Join us on March 27 in Raleigh

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Join AAUW NC and the Raleigh/Wake County and Tar Heel Branches at the NC Council for Women celebration of Women’s History Month. We’ll be highlighting the AAUW Action Fund “It’s My Vote: I Will be Heard” campaign.

Get Out the Vote – there’s a lot going on!

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We know that there are many AAUW issues at stake in the 2012 elections. AAUW at the national level is taking the lead in get out the vote efforts — with HERVotes and the new AAUW Action Fund campaign. AAUW NC is also participating in a state-wide coalition and a networking event in Raleigh to help advance the message of the importance of women’s votes.