News and commentary by and about AAUW and the issues it works for.
News and commentary by and about AAUW and the issues it works for.
Photo from AAUW 2008 Annual Report
Yesterday, January 27, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (H.R. 12/S. 181) was sent to President Obama who is expected to sign it tomorrow. This is the culmination of a fight that began in May, 2007, when the US Supreme Court ruled that those suing for redress in pay equity cases must make their claim within 180 days of the first infraction, but there’s more still to do.
The AAUW Tar Heel branch (the North Carolina branch without borders) was awarded a charter on November 19. It now is a fully functioning branch with its own web site: http://tarheel.aauwnc.org.
Commemorate the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and join with others around the state to show the NC legislators that many of their constituents are supporter of choice.
News and commentary by and about AAUW and the issues it works for.
Recent AAUW NC news
Preliminary schedule and information on making hotel reservations at the great rate of $99 for a room in the beach-front hotel.
The new AAUW program that offers a discount for online shopping with Barnes and Noble provides quick access to order the AAUW Juvenile Literature Award winning books.
If you missed the Nov. 6 post-election call, here are ways you can listen to it.