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North Carolina Branch Without Borders

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Information on a new branch for AAUW NC – one to serve members in communities where there is no branch, or for those who are not interested in affiliating with a community-based branch but who wish to be part of the AAUW NC community.


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News and commentary by and about AAUW and the issues it works for.

Corrected minutes

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At the meeting this spring in Greensboro, there were corrections made to the minutes for the Fall 2007 board meeting. At that meeting, it was also noted that corrections were needed to the 2006 convention minutes. Those corrected documents are posted here.

Thoughts on AAUW NC Conventions

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Summary of surveys and comments that have led to changes in the AAUW NC convention — and thoughts on possible future changes.

Welcome to AAUW NC History

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The initial list of AAUW branches and state presidents. If you have personal knowledge of AAUW NC history, please check this post for accuracy.