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Notes from FairerScience.Org

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Again, playing catchup from October …
Here are a couple of links to items at
What can men do to help women stay in science, Interactive Physics Simulations

Take action — support the Gender Bias Elimination Act (H.R. 3514).

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A recent National Academies report, Beyond Bias and Barriers: Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering, found that women repeatedly face biases in academia in the science fields, and that these barriers to success discourage them from careers in these areas. In response to this report, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) recently introduced the Gender Bias Elimination Act (H.R. 3514).
Learn more and contact your representative

Justice 4 All

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Posted by Diversity Chair Queen Thompson to the AAUW NC e-mail list, and discussed by her at the AAUW NC Fall meeting, Oct. 20.
Please contact Queen for more information or reply to her post on the e-mail list to start a discussion.