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News from AAUW

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This irregularly published list of headlines from is meant as a reminder of all that the national level of the organization is doing. See the list on the right of this web site for the current headlines.

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Infinite Possibilities Conference for minority women interested in math and statistics

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You may find this in the NGCP directory, but since the registration deadline is near, I thought I’d post this here, too:
The Infinite Possibilities Conference (IPC) is a national conference that is designed to promote, educate, encourage and support minority women interested in mathematics and statistics. This unique and special event will assemble women mathematicians from underrepresented minority groups from all over the country for a 2-day mathematics conference

NGCP e-Newsletter for September

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Events and resources for those working to increase the number of girls interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.
Please do subscribe, but if you missed the issue in your inbox, here’s a reminder:

AAUW NC 100 Club for 2007-2008

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Check out the new items at! If you purchase an item (from a coffee mug to a keepsake box) for $100 or more, you’ll be a member of the AAUW NC 100 Club for 2007-2008.

One small step for women in IT

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There’s a group in the UK that’s working on a certification program for those who recommend or choose Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools/applications/environments for nonprofit organizations.

What was interesting to me about the announcement was that on the team of subject matter experts that are developing the certification, a majority are women. Shades of Tech-Savvy! When there’s a *point* to the work, we get on board as quickly as the guys!

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e-newsletter #3 – September 2, 2007

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August 1 – September 2, 2007

Please scan this list of “headlines” and if there’s something of interest, do read the full story. If these links are not “clickable” for you, go to for another copy of this and back issues, or use the “search” in the upper right of to go straight to the right article. [On any page, you can click an article title to get the page with just that article – may be more suitable for printing.]

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