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Fall 2007 Tar Heel News has been posted

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The Fall edition of the AAUW NC newsletter, the Tar Heel News, has been posted. Highlights include

A Women’s History Quiz (with answers)
Information on the Young Advocates Toolkit project
A directory of state and branch leaders (available to members)
Information on the Fall meeting in High Point, October 19-20


Finding AAUW Leaders

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The next issue of the Tar Heel News will have information on reaching AAUW leaders. However, the new will be launched shortly after that goes to press, so we won’t be able to get the new addesses into the paper. This article will be referred to as your “online cheat sheet” and it will be updated very soon after the new site launches.

Please click on the title of this article, and then bookmark the page that has just this article on it. When you need to reach someone in AAUW (national or state leader, a leader in another NC branch, or someone in your own branch), just come back here for a quick reminder on how to do that.

Read More »Finding AAUW Leaders