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Tate wins Juvenile Literature Award

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Eleanora E. Tate, the author of Celeste’s Harlem Renaissance, received the AAUW Juvenile Literature Award at a the meeting of the NC Literary and Historical Society in Asheville on Saturday, Nov. 10.


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Updates from AAUW

Immigration Issues Information

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Thanks to our coalition partners, League of Women Voters, the following is an excellent source of information on the important issue of immigration.

Presentation to the NC Community College SGA

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Here are the slides that Mary Peterson and Sheila Bassoppo-Moyo used at the presentation to 27 Community College Student Government Association student leaders on Friday, Nov. 2, in Raleigh.

Notes from FairerScience.Org

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Again, playing catchup from October …
Here are a couple of links to items at
What can men do to help women stay in science, Interactive Physics Simulations