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AAUW NC Policies

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Oct. 20 Policy Final Cor.cwk (WP).pdf 2/14/07 update. A new version of the policies were posted with editorial corrections: AAUW NC Policies – October, 2006… Read More »AAUW NC Policies


PRESIDENTS’ MESSAGE: For the last two years, Heather has put out our branch newsletter in an informative and timely fashion. She edits ten newsletters each year and keeps us on top of the things that make our branch run smoothly. Please take the time to read the newsletter when you receive it. If you wish, print it out for yourself and save it for reading later. Our newsletter is a “just the facts, ma’am” type of newsletter; but if you read it, you won’t use valuable time in meetings asking questions that have already been answered. If you are one of those who read and delete, you can always go to to view the newsletter again, as well as view past newsletters and articles pertaining to our branch.


Nov. 8 Election News from AAUW Washington

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As a result of yesterday’s elections, for the first time in U.S. history a woman will be speaker of the house when the 110th Congress convenes in January. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is expected to be elevated to speaker now that the Democrats have won the majority of seats in the House. Pelosi addressed the AAUW National Convention in June 2005. As Action Network went to press, the balance of power in the Senate was still in question – and all seemed to hinge on the state of Virginia.In terms of total numbers, it is unclear whether 2006 will match 1992, when women almost doubled their ranks in both chambers. That year, women picked up 19 House seats and three Senate seats, putting 47 women in the House and seven women in the Senate. Before yesterday’s election, there were 67 women in the House and 14 women in the Senate, making women 15 percent of the entire legislative branch

Read More »Nov. 8 Election News from AAUW Washington