President’s September letter to the branches
Updates from the AAUW NC co-presidents to the branches.
This category is for AAUW NC officer communications with the branches. Consider this an archive that may be helpful for those who sign up late for a particular office.
Updates from the AAUW NC co-presidents to the branches.
Updates from the AAUW NC co-presidents to the branches.
We know there are many unsung heroes working for equity for women and girls. AAUW has a long-standing process for recognizing them. This tip talks about using “named gifts” to honor those who need our thanks.
Updates from the AAUW NC co-presidents to the branches.
Updates from the AAUW NC co-presidents to the branches.
Updates from the AAUW NC co-presidents to the branches.
Updates from the AAUW NC co-presidents to the branches.
To renew your membership in or join one of these branches
Asheville, Chapel Hill, Greensboro, Raleigh-Wake County, Salisbury, Sandhills-Southern Pines, Tar Heel, Twin Rivers, Wilmington, Winston-Salem
use this new form.
The official “membership count” for AAUW branches occurs on February 1. Here is the history of NC branches since 2013.
Updates from the AAUW NC co-presidents to the branches.