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College/University representatives in North Carolina

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College/University partners are institutional members of the Association. Each campus may name a faculty or staff member as its representative to the “broader” AAUW efforts. The representatives are encouraged to tap the branch resources when that makes sense, and the branches may contact the representatives with information about projects such as the Youth Advocacy ToolKit.

Videos from Phoenix

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Attendees at the AAUW 2007 convention were treated to several powerful videos. The July edition of EdEqChange has information on access to those. All members are encouraged to read those memos, but because of wide interest in the videos, that portion of the memo is reprinted here.

  • AAUW: Because Equity Is Still an Issue (a new AAUW promotional video unveiled during the Intergenerational Plenary on Monday, July 2)
  • Sherry Schiller: Change and AAUW’s Strategic Process Plenary (plenary presentation on Saturday, June 30)

Both videos can be ordered through ShopAAUW beginning August 1 at the price of $7 for a DVD or $12 for a VHS, plus shipping and handling. (If you have an urgent request before August 1, please contact Limited quantities will be available. Convention attendees who filled out an interest form at convention will receive an e-mail with a promotional code for an additional 10 percent discount.

Members are encouraged to use the AAUW: Because Equity Is Still an Issue video as a promotional and marketing tool by sharing it with other members, the public, and organizations in your community that may want to learn more about AAUW and its mission.

Here’s how to obtain some of the other videos and presentations from the convention:

  • The presidents’ and executive director’s “State of AAUW” presentation will be posted on the AAUW website in early August. (Members who are interested in purchasing a DVD or VHS copy of that online presentation can e-mail
  • Greg Mortenson’s video on the Central Asia Institute, from the Global Perspectives Plenary, is not available through AAUW. For more information about obtaining a video, please visit his website at
  • The Focus Your Vision video by DeWitt Jones that was shown during the convention’s opening ceremony is available at You can view it online at no cost or purchase it through the website.

One additional video was a promotional piece produced by AAUW MI. For more information, contact

Read More »Videos from Phoenix

e-Newsletter #1, July 15, 2007

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June 8 – July 15, 2007

Please scan this list of “headlines” and if there’s something of interest, do read the full story. If these links are not “clickable” for you, go to for another version of this list, or use the “search” in the upper right of to go straight to the right article. [On any page, you can click an article title to get the page with just that article – may be more suitable for printing.]

Read More »e-Newsletter #1, July 15, 2007