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Public Policy Priorities 2016

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AAUW NC Public Policy Priorities for 2016:

  • Raise the minimum wage
  • Promote equal pay policies and practices to close the gender gap
  • Increase support for quality, locally governed public education
  • Promote educational opportunities for girls and women
  • Support passage of the Equal Rights Amendment
  • Expand Medicaid


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The AAUW NC board has registered its opposition to HB 2 and will be discussing appropriate actions with all the branches at our 2016 annual meeting, April 2.

2015 Fundraising Totals

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Summary of giving to AAUW Funds for 2015 — how much each branch contributed to each of the AAUW priority areas. 3/30 update: honor roll of contributions by individuals.

Membership renewal season

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To renew your membership in or join one of these branches
Asheville, Chapel Hill, Greensboro, Raleigh-Wake County, Salisbury, Sandhills-Southern Pines, Tar Heel, Twin Rivers, Wilmington, Winston-Salem
use this new form.

February 1, 2016 Membership Count

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The official “membership count” for AAUW branches occurs on February 1. Here is the history of NC branches since 2013.